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Top 5 Unusual Places in India that You Must Visit!

  • Posted on February 2, 2019
Top 5 Unusual Places in India that You Must Visit!

Everyone loves traveling and exploring new places but how many of us can tell stories about roads, less traveled?

As said by Robert Frost in one his poems- “The Road Not Taken.”

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.”

Yes, this is absolutely correct and inspirational, the less taken is always full of adventures. Also, going through the conventional tourist hubs feels like being drenched in a shopping center.

So, in order to make your travel stories great, now is the time to escape to an unexplored world of strange destinations.

Here are 5 unusual or mysterious places in India.

Have a look!

Bhangarh, Rajasthan

mysterious places in India

Bhangarh place has a typical love history which is discussed vividly amongst the locals as folklore. The story revolves around the true love and revenge. It basically includes a tantrik (occultist) who fell in love with the king’s daughter and when got rejected, he used his black arts to win her love. Spurned by the princess, the king executed him, consequently, he cursed the Bhangarh town to decay.

Since then, Bhangarh is famous for his ghost stories. It is also said that every night the ghosts are seen meeting up in the market area at night. So, if you are dauntless enough then, you should visit Bhangarh.

Bastar, Chattisgarh

mysterious places in India

This area is a home to different tribes and is patently famous for its scenic beauty. Bastar has a number of caves & waterfalls. The most famous and largest one is – Chitrakoot waterfall, also called the Niagra of India. Other than the landscapes, scenic beauty, and culturally rich, this area also has a wildlife sanctuary and a national park.

Not only this, it would be silly to go to Bastar and not witness the weekly dance carnivals which portray the tribal heritage of this uncharted area.

Kutch, Gujarat

mysterious places in India

Kutch aka “The Rann of Kutch” is a piece of barren land, but famous for its charm. This area is covered with white sand extending till the horizon. This area gives a sense of harmony in this drenched world.

The mornings here are meant to see, the sun colors the skies red during the dusk and dawn, and in the silent nights are skies are painted with the dotting stars. The picturesque landscapes of the Kutch are the best site for camping under the night skies. Also, you don’t miss out on the major tourist attractions such as- Kutch wildlife sanctuary and the Harappan city of Dholavir.

Tip: Try to visit Kutch during “Rann Utsav” because it is one amazing experience here. This festival is ongoing and will end on 20th February 2019.

If you wish to witness this festival then book your last minute flights to India and fly down to have fun during the Utsav.  

Chadar, Jammu and Kashmir

mysterious places in India

There is no denying that there are many trekking explorations in Leh, Ladakh. But one of the less visited yet the must-visit place is Chadar. Trekking tours here are one of the most exciting and adventurous trekking experiences.

Visiting Chadar in the months of January and February is one incredible experience. The trek alongside the frozen Zanskar river will add up to your list of the best treks of your life.

During this winter season, the river is covered with thick ice, connecting Zanskar valley to the local villages. The ice-walk on the river is full of danger, yet adventurous.

It almost takes one week to experience this trekking expedition that takes you from the valley to many local villages and also the caves that comes midway.

Loktak Lake, Manipur

mysterious places in India

Another unusual place in India is Loktak Lake, which flows in one of the north-eastern state, Manipur. This lake is also famous as the only floating lake all across the world. This uncommon lake is also famous as the largest freshwater lake in the whole region.

This lake flows 53 kilometers away from the capital city, Imphal. Also, the major attractive feature of this lake is its floating vegetation, which gives an image as if the whole lake is moving. This is also a source of hydro-power as well as irrigation.

The mentioned above are some unusual and mysterious places in India. So, what are you waiting for, just book your flights with, fly down here to explore the travel treasure in India.


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