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Here are the Best Things to Do in Maine

  • Posted on March 13, 2021
Here are the Best Things to Do in Maine

Everyone has their own favorite spot in Maine- whether they love the fresh salty smell of seawater and pines or the views from your raft drifting off peacefully, the pure excitement of driving a snowmobile on the wintery frozen lakes and the gentle warm feeling of the sun’s rays striking your face.

Maine’s charm catches all the tourists worldwide. So we won’t be telling you what the most popular things to do in Maine are.

We’ll be telling you about the best and unforgettable experiences that you’ll not be coming across easily. Buy cheap air tickets to Maine now and Read on to know more about them.

1) Swim on top of a mountain.

Located near Mount Blue State Park, Tumbledown Mountain offers scenic vistas while you’re hiking in western Maine.

You can also cool off from the summer hike with a dip in the nearby alpine pond that is nestled between the 3 lofty peaks.

2) Go island hopping in a sea kayak.

Merchant Row is a cluster of 50 islands that are a sea kayaker’s heaven on waters.

Merchant Row was prized most for their granite during the granite boom in late 1800s and early 1900s.

Presently, around two- thirds of the islands are protected in some way or another.

People who are experienced at kayaking can put in at various public launches and go island hopping on their own.

If you’re a beginner however, we recommend taking a guided tour with one of the numerous outfitters on the island.

3) Hike to great heights.

While it may not be all the highest and loftiest peaks in Maine, you’ll find some natural charms in inland Maine.

You can tackle the Moosehead Pinnacle Pursuit Challenge, which is finishing all six peaks at your pace- whether in a year or two or three.

You’ll be registered as an official member after you fill up a form regarding the details of the date when you reached the summit and the time at which you did so.

You can climb to the top of the fire tower, or challenge yourself with Maine’s 4k+ footers in the Maine High Peaks region.

You can also opt for a hike in a rare mature forest at Borestone Mountain.

4) Smell the flowers at the Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens.

Located in Boothbay, Maine, the Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens was opened in 2007.

Including almost a mile of tidewater shoreline, they are the largest botanical gardens in New England.

Gardens Aglow is the place to hit up for being taken on a magical inside world filled with more than 650, 000 lights and sounds that words can never describe appropriately.

Head down to the Meditation Garden, and from there, explore along the river on the Shoreland Trail into a quaint woody area and eventually into the Fairy House Village.

The antique gift shop offers local hand- made work from some of the best local artisans and you’ll likely find a gift for people of all ages there.

5) Listen to a lobsterman’s tales.

The local everyday working Mainers whose livelihoods depends on fishing lobsters, can be met the farther you travel off the beaten path.

They are full of ocean tales and happily share those with you.

If you cannot meet a lobsterman, substitute that experience with one with a guided lobster boat tours that are provided locally over there from numerous towns near or on the coast.

6) Go whale watching.

Spanning over 3500 miles of coastline, Maine’s ocean plays host to various kinds of whales- Humpbacks, Finbacks, Minkes, and many more, which makes whale watching a fun and exciting activity to go for when you’re in Maine and want to connect with nature.

The best season for whale watching is summer in around mid- April. This is because this is the time when hungry whales arrive to eat in the local waters that are abounding with sand eels, copepods, plankton, and fish. 

You can watch them as they breach the surface, spout water, and nurse their young.  Keep a lookout for the huge finback whale which can grow up to 80 feet in length.

In the winter months, the whales will head south towards warmer waters.

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