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The Ultimate Guide to Budget Travel in India: Top Tips and Tricks

  • Posted on October 16, 2023
The Ultimate Guide to Budget Travel in India: Top Tips and Tricks

India is a budget traveler’s paradise. One of the best things about visiting India is how much financial autonomy you have. If money is limited, you can cut costs on lodging by forgoing amenities like air conditioning, an en suite bathroom, or a view. If the cost of living in the metropolis is outpacing your budget, simply move to the countryside. Many tourists cut costs and save money during certain parts of their journey. No matter how you wish to travel, here is the ultimate guide to budget travel in India: Top tips and tricks. Additionally, to save extra money on flights you can visit Tripbeam and book cheap flights to India from Canada.

1. Make a Plan

Traveling on a whim is excellent if you have the luxury of time and money to spare. However, you should start by creating a strategy if you wish to travel on a low budget. Even if you don’t have to create a detailed, hour-by-hour schedule, you should be aware of how your epic journey will unfold. You should at the very least be aware of how much time you will be spending in each country or location. Less reliance on luck equals fewer unplanned costs; last-minute travel and hotel can be significantly more expensive.

2. Travel Off Season

Avoid travel when schools are out since prices will go up and businesses will try to take advantage of families who can only travel during these weeks. Find out the best times to travel to the destination, and then leave just before or after these dates. You’ll still have a fantastic trip during this time, but the sun might not shine quite as brightly (on the good side, it won’t be nearly as hot). This period is referred to as the “shoulder season.” Hotels and airlines lower their prices to attract customers at this time.

3. Book Flight Tickets Well in Advance

The cost of airfare is a bigger expense while traveling abroad. The only way to reduce your airfare is to buy the cheapest flight to India. If you are uncertain about when to book flights to India do it as soon as you can. The greatest prices are available when you get your tickets in advance, so do it right away! If you have lots of time, consider booking flights with halts and stopovers; you’ll save money this way. Plan your flight for early in the morning or late at night as well. If you have a tight budget, now is the time to book since you can sleep on the flight. Make sure you reserve at least 3 weeks in advance to benefit from the discounts. Additionally, several online travel websites, such as Tripbeam, book cheap air tickets from Toronto to Delhi all year long.

4. Enjoy the Street Food

In India, the price of street food is much less expensive than dining out. India has street food available everywhere. A dish of pav bhaji costs 20 rupees in Mumbai, a masala dosa costs 20 rupees in Hyderabad, a chicken roll costs 30 rupees in Kolkata, and a plate of poha costs 10 rupees in Indore. Additionally, you will learn about the country’s rich local food culture.

5. Choose to Stay at a Hostel

Thankfully, the days when Indian dorms resembled institutional settings with strict regulations and stuffy environments are long gone. Hostel chains are rapidly forming all over India. They’re lively, entertaining areas where having a good time is assured. The accommodations are quite nice, and the facilities are top-notch for a backpacker hostel. Additionally, the majority offer moderately priced individual rooms for those who loathe dorms. Additionally, read as many reviews of the hostel as you can.

6. Use Public Transportation

Using public transit is a fantastic and reasonably priced way to explore the country. You can take advantage of this chance to find out more about the area and its history by asking other tourists or residents for recommendations. Cities are pricey, and public transportation is available everywhere. Your local public transportation system can help you cover long distances for a low cost. If you intend to use this kind of public transportation frequently, think about buying a pass that offers unlimited usage. It is crucial to keep in mind that there are places where taking public transportation is not an option. If you’re traveling to a more rural area, your only options might be to rent a car or take a taxi. Visit for budget friendly trip to India from USA.

7. Travel Overnight

Interestingly, bus and train travel in India is less expensive than flying. Both trains and buses operate at all hours of the night across the country. You can travel overnight by rail or bus from Delhi to Udaipur, Jaipur, Jodhpur, Bikaner, Amritsar, Haridwar, Shimla, and other tourist destinations without having to pay for lodging.

8. Buy Souvenirs From Street Markets

It’s common to get captivated by appealing goods at popular tourist markets, but it takes tremendous fortitude to avoid being conned in such markets. The prices at these stores are often on the pricier side. Instead, go to your local flea markets where you may get fantastic prices.

Additionally, not all mementos need to be bought. You can collect trinkets by looking around. Every time you look at these souvenirs, you can relive your travel experiences.

Hence, money is the most priceless! So, make the most of it by traveling smartly and visiting the best Indian destinations on a budget. Furthermore, make sure to visit Tripbeam to book cheap flights from Toronto to Mumbai India.

Also Read: Best Practices to Get Cheap Flights to India from Canada


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