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Some incredible and mind-boggling facts about air travel

It has been estimated that a record-breaking 2.2 billion passengers flew on an aircraft in 2019. The average traveler flies once every 20 months. Whether a first-timer or a frequent flyer, there are mesmerizing stories and facts surrounding airplanes and air travel. When you search for affordable flights from Canada to India make sure that you are well acquainted with some of the coolest and most mesmerizing facts concerning air travel.

If you have been on a flight before, chances are very high that you may have caught yourself thinking about the vagaries and kinks linked to air travel.

Tripbeam has researched and collected for you a treasure trove of the coolest facts about air transport. Search here for affordable flights from Canada to India while you chew around these pulpy facts.

The safest spot to sit on a plane

Airplanes are undoubtedly the safest mode of transport in the world. It is far safer than traveling by road in a car. But however improbable, and although in very small numbers, disasters and crashes have happened in the past. In the unfortunate event, where exactly lies the best spot to sit?

Although much depends upon the type of crash and disaster,  studies have consistently shown that passengers at the rear end of the plane have better odds of survival. Some experts believe that the middle seat at the back of a plane is the safest bet on a plane because they are expected to be farthest from point of impact. And also sitting near to and being aware of emergency exits improves the odds of survival. Book these seats now on Canada to India flight.

You can be arrested on board a plane

It is not tantamount to legal arrest by police though but one can be handcuffed on a plane. Captain has the full authority in detaining and restricting the movement of a person if he founds anything peculiar, or disturbing and threat to the peace onboard. But these are resorted to in the most extreme of cases and cuffs too are not made of metals but plastic zip ties or seat belt extenders, just necessary enough to restrict the movement of hands. If there is a threat to the safety of the crew members or the passengers then the captain may call the police in advance where the landing is scheduled. Keep that thing in mind before you book Canada to India flight tickets.

A bird can cause an accident

When an aircraft and bird collide in the air it is called a bird strike. These accidents are not uncommon and usually do not result in anything more than making a loud noise. In rare of rare cases, a bird can take down an engine of an airplane but in that case, pilots are trained to fly an aircraft on a single engine.

Remember the great Hudson story? where the plane hit a flock of birds and blew out both engines and then crash-landed safely on the river Hudson saving hundreds of lives. And remember too that you can book cheap flight tickets from Canada to India here.

Why do airplanes have rounded windows?

In earlier periods particularly before the 1950s, airplanes used to have square windows rather than round but the devastating serious of accidents led the investigators on a trail of flaws. They reached the conclusion that the square windows are detrimental to the fuselage safety of the airplane. The square windows cause the formation of pressure points at the corners resulting in the blowing away of windows into pieces and the development of cracks on the fuselage of the aircraft. This led them to recommend alteration in the design of the windows and now all airplanes are equipped with rounded windows.

There are different meals for pilots

It is an industry-mandated procedure that the pilots should not take the same food for the fear of falling ill with food poisoning. Both pilots down with food poisoning at the same time is the last thing the rest of the crew and passengers can afford. So to check and nullify the possibility of this, pilots take different food sourced from different locations. Also, they take the food at different times so as to make sure at least one pilot is fit with the health even if one falls ill.

Dimming the cabin light is for a purpose

The dimming of cabin light does save some energy power and apart from this, it has an important safety purpose. The cabin lights are dimmed during take-offs and landings. The reason is to accustom the passenger’s eyes to the dark. In case of takeoff or landing emergency, when all hell broke loose and lights suddenly go out then the passengers needed to be better positioned to take the best route to the evacuation point.

A million-dollar hijacking

High jacking of a plane is a rare phenomenon and up till this date, there are around 100 reported cases of airplane high jacking. The first ever high jacking took place in 1931 yet the most spectacular event of high jacking happened in 1971 when a person named DB cooper hijacked northwest orient airlines and held passengers as hostages and demanded a ransom of 2 lakh US dollars. He further demanded four parachutes and managed to get them as well. After taking the money he opened the rear door and jumped in the dead of the night somewhere over Washington and was never identified or found again. In the history of commercial aviation, the4 crime remains the only unsolved mystery to date. If you are done with engrossing the story then check the affordable flights from Canada to India from tripbeam.

Famous wright brother’s flight

Experiments carried out by Orville and Wilbur wright brought into this world the art of flying for the first time. In 1903, on the banks of North Carolina, a series of failed trials led to the first successful flight in the history of self-propelled aircraft piloted by Orville Wright. It traveled for 120 feet and was in the air for about 12 seconds. Further modifications and on their fourth attempt that day the brothers managed to fly 850 feet worth of distance and the flight lasted for roughly one complete minute.

These were some of the mind-boggling stories and facts that must have enchanted your mind.


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