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How to Make Your Flying Experience Better?

  • Posted on March 12, 2021
How to Make Your Flying Experience Better?

Flying when all the things seem against you would seem bizarre. With the current COVID 19 situation, along with cramped up seats, weird airplane food, and a crying baby nearby would make you cranked up in no time. However, in reality it actually isn’t all that difficult to have a good flying experience nevertheless. Since finding airfare discounts isn’t a crime, it would be pointless when you have a bad flight experience because you’re getting airfare cheap.

The little things you’ll be doing after reading this would change the way you feel about flying even if you’re booking cheap air tickets. The tips mentioned below would make you feel well rested, comfortable and not being bored to death.

Read on to find what can help you with having a healthier flying experience with being on- air.

1) Drink Water

The air in the cabin doesn’t have humidity, so if you are traveling frequently by air, you will know the feeling of having your throat parched all too well.

That paired with dry nasal passages, you skin turning papery dry, and having your lips chapped does not sound all that great. What should you be doing about this to combat all of it at once? 

The simplest solution is to keep a water bottle near you and keep drinking sips of water at regular intervals. This will make sure you stay hydrated all throughout the time you spend on flight. 

Do not try to substitute water with other beverages, such as coffee or alcohol. Both caffeine and alcoholic beverages will do the work of dehydrating you, and that’s exactly the opposite of what you are trying to achieve.

2) Pay for In-flight Wi-Fi

When people cannot live without internet, we have a solution for that as well. Try paying for in- flight wireless internet. That will make sure you’re engaged all throughout the flight on your electric gadget, be it a tablet, phone or laptop. 

The cost is not very steep too, because Gogo in- flight internet would cost only about $12 for the service of wifi during one flight’s worth. A monthly pass for frequent travelers would cost around $30. 

Of course, the ability to keep your mind preoccupied during flights with either business or entertainment is always a plus and worth splurging just a little.

Moreover, the ability to tweet during flight is matchless.

3) Bring a Tablet

Bring your tablet equipped with all the latest entertainment would work just as well, if you don’t want to spend on internet. Get a few movies of your choice that you didn’t have the time to watch before.

Download those movies, add an app for music and download your favorite playlist so you’ll be jamming to your own little concert. 

If you’re a bookworm, download some books that you’re sure would be of interest to you. Because once you’re in the world of books, you wouldn’t want to get out even as the flight draws to an end.

Of course, do remember to pack in a portable charger or your source of entertainment might run out of battery sometime during your flight.

4) Pack Up a Sleep Kit

This is a necessity that even the beginner travelers would know about. The basic options include a U- shaped neck pillow and a sleep mask to block out the light.

Try and test the neck pillow beforehand to ensure its comfort meets your preferences. It shouldn’t be too heavy or too light.

The sleep mask should be large enough to cover your eyes and block out all incoming light bouncing from the surroundings.

Earplugs would be ideal as you don’t want to hear outside noises while you’re trying to take a nap. The sound of people crying out wouldn’t let you sleep properly so plug your ears with those. 

And if you have it or you can afford it, bring your own noise canceling headphones as well because those work like a charm.

It wouldn’t matter anymore whether you’re playing music or just keeping them over your ears, they wouldn’t let a sound escape in to your ears. Even the plane engine noises won’t be able to reach you so you can nap all you want in peace.

If you want, you can either pack up a sleep kit on your own or buy one from the airport gift shop.


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